5060 EuroJackpot
How to play EuroJackpot Online?
EuroJackpot is now available to bet over the internet through a number of online concierge services, however only Lottoland gives you special features like the DoubleJackpot and can guarantee that any prize money will be paid out in full if you win as they are insured by world famous underwriters Bluefin, part of AXA Group. You cannot buy Euro Jackpot tickets offline unless you are situated in Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Nethelands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain or Sweden from a supermarket, newsagent or corner shop.
Will I be taxed on EuroJackpot winnings?
If you bet on EuroJackpot online then you will not pay any tax on any of your winnings and will be paid your prize as a lump sum.
How much do EuroJackpot bets cost?
If you buy Euro Jackpot tickets online they typically cost £2 or $3 per ticket line.
Author: Admin

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